The name says it all; these are icons of the NHL logos. Consider these e-mail ware, if you like them then I hope you'll feel a deep sense of obligation to e-mail me. You can e-mail me at "Masataka" on America Online or at "" on the internet. I hope you enjoy them and I look forward to hearing from you.
P.S. If you are interested other icons I have created, you can download "50 Misc. Icons" and "50 Misc. Icons 2" from America Online.
Note: SlickHick Inc. is still seeking permission from the mysterious Masataka to distribute NHL Logos as a series of Hot Icons ⌐1993. If anyone knows Masataka, would you please have him or her contact me. I have decided to press and distribute these without his permission only because these are copyrighted items which he cannot collect a shareware fee from anyway. Also, these icons were just too good to withhold from the public.